Friday, June 3, 2011

Drive baby drive


  1. We are in gettysberg Pa after a long long day of driving with all the big trucks and road construction. Kathy feels like Sara baby drive..but Kathy actually can read the NYTimes and understand the big words. we are going to tour the battlefields tomorrow after a pancake breakfast. People who RV are similar to people who sit on their front porch..they do not like to be in a motel room and they like to meet other people...they are friendly and that is why we like this kind of travel. Hope you are meeting your neighbors!
    we are starting a new part of our blog...the lesson for the day.
    When we traveled with Bob Sturtz we had a journal with a lesson for every day.
    For example Patrick and Timothy's favorite was.."nymphs are the wave of the future". We will have our first one for you tomorrow!!!
    Love K&M

  2. Dc in in espy June is beustiful, about as lovely as it gets. Let's georgetown tomorrow......

  3. Tj mike and franklin say bring on Georgetown.
