Greetings. I have decided to continue on with somef blogs now and then to keep family and friends updated on our activities. Today is a beautiful sunny day in the 70's. Cool enough to sleep really well last night and not too hot during the day...I feel fall in the air. I went to the farmers market this morning and it was teaming with people and produce...saw friends and neighbors and bought lots of great stuff. The sunflowers are beautiful and we drove by field after field of them in North Dakota. The guy at the market said they are the sunflower oil kind...not like these. Got peaches, apples, honey, tomatoes and bread. I have spent the last two days unpacking the Big Bad Boy...finally about done. It is amazing how much we had in there! We are going to the cabin after Mike is done at the store and will be back in TC on Monday afternoon....we need our cabin fix...Love and hugs Kathy and Mike
Glad you are keeping up the blog. It is fun to do and I love reading it even though I can call and talk any time now that you are retired.
Enjoyed reading your blog today...what a grand trip! Those images of you and the fish are priceless. Take your time getting back to town...even if you are here...make like a fudgie! Jody