We made it home today at about 5 pm and Patrick was here to meet us...so nice to have a welcoming hug. The weather has remained cool and we had rain on and off all day as we traveled
thru the UP to the bridge....note picture as we traveled over the big mac. The map on the side of the big bad boy is complete for this year with all the states we traveled
thru accounted for. We have finally had cool enough weather to both wear our TC sweatshirts that Patrick and Heather gave us for the trip. I have worn mine and got lots of "so you are from TC Michigan" It was a great conversation starter. We have met lots of great people this summer. Fun to talk to and share experiences. Mike and I have enjoyed this trip so much...
truly a dream come true. We thank all of you who helped us enjoy our time away from Traverse City.
Lesson for the day: Coming home is great and means you had a wonderful trip...so true!
Kathy, Mike and Riggs
Welcome home!! It is good to have you back in town. Call me when you settle in. Will you keep up the blog???? Just something to think about. You don't have to put in an entry every day but it is a good way to post pictures for family that are far away.
It has been fun following your Travels With Riggs blog across the nation. I have particularly enjoyed the sections we shared in the real world. The time we all spent together this summer was memorable.Thanks for helping make it possible.