We have had a lovely Labor Day weekend with very little labor. We have been at the cabin with beautiful weather and some wonderful company. Mikes cousin Gerry Anderson and his wife Artemae visited with us and we had a great time. We did some hiking two different days, kayaked, laughed, retold stories and made up some new ones. Mike and Gerry go "way back" to their youth so the stories have gotten better over the years. It was nice to catch up with them now that they are retired and traveling to all sorts of great places. They joined us for a trip to TC on Sunday and had dinner on our deck with Finnley...oh and Patrick and Heather came too. We enjoyed seeing all of them and I gave Finnley her first swing in the back yard. She created quite an event in the neighborhood with some over the fence visits. The weather was beautiful and we had hamburgers and sweet corn from Halls...a local farm that has the BEST corn ever!! A fitting end to summer. We are watching the Detroit Tigers right now....Mike went to a game on Friday night in Detroit and had seats behind the on deck circle for the Tigers..at about 3rd base...they had a great view of all the action. They won that game as they did the last two games..they are tied for first place...cheer them onward.

Hope all is ok with all of you as you end you summer...a strange weather one to be sure.
All our Love to everyone
Kathy and Michael
looks like a great weekend. That little baby sure is a gem.