I have a new addition to our kayak family...still waiting for baby Nolan on the 24
th! I purchased this used kayak from a friend, Susan, who has a kayak adventure business called Paddle Away. They had some smaller kayaks they were not using so I was lucky to snag this Wilderness
Pongo in the wonderful color of orange. I LOVE IT!!! It will be my in town kayak and I have been having a great time so far paddling and exploring!

It fits into the Highlander with the frot passenger window open and I can get it in and out by myself. We may get a roof rack eventually but right now it works! I have gone to Lake
Boardman (the lake in the middle of TC, which was from damming the river many years ago for logging) and really enjoyed myself. It takes about a half hour to go from one end to the other. I was also able to go down the river into town until reaching the Dam between Cass and Union streets. The picture above is looking north toward town. Lots of birds, ducks, fish that are hiding in the depths and not that many people. They do small boat sailing, some water skiing and some fishing on this lake. It used to have many small industries and most are now closed but the railroad tracks still run along the west side. There are now more apartments and condos with a bike path on the east side but still many areas with no development and lots of trees. I even saw what I think was a muskrat!

The picture above is floating toward the eighth street bridge..this is the main east west road in TC. Lots of
traffic on the road but on the water it is very tranquil. The lake has several small bays where the current is less so there are water
lilies in bloom. Most of the shore line has no beach and the lake gets deep quick but I did find several areas where there are some sandy shallow spots for swimming or wading. Our weather has not been so hot this week...70's which is nice.

Mike arrived home on
Monday after a long day of flying. He got to see his brother Marks daughter Deidre ,her husband Stephan and son Luca while in Orlando(they came over from Tampa) which was wonderful.
I had to share my love of my new kayak with all of you...I do love being out on the water on the river at the cabin and lakes provide a whole new experience. I have ordered a spray skirt as one day I got very wet from the waves and wind. Love the adventure!
Love and hugs to all Kathy and Michael
Great pictures. Thanks for the lunch yesterday and the relaxing conversation.