We have had a great couple of weeks since I posted an entry on our blog. The northern Michigan weather has been typical. Beautiful and sunny one day then cold and rainy the next. But it has all led up to Halloween, the best holiday after St
Patricks Day! We decorate with lots of creativity and strive to impress the little goblins who come to our door. Patrick was here this year to help which was wonderful and he got into it as in years past. We love to see the little ones come up our walk wide eyed and just a little scared...but not too scared to come and get candy. There are always a few who will not even come up the walk...they are a hoot. Mike manned the skeleton that drops from the tree and startles kids and adults. Patrick kept the dry ice in the pot for the witches brew going and I handed out candy...about 600 kids.(see facebook for a picture of the witch on the front proch) We have a fire to keep warm, food in the house and friends who stop for a beer and a cigar. It was a fun night and we wish all of you could of joined us.
The star of the night was Riggs as it was his Birthday...9 years old. He loved all the people and had his cupcake with the one candle as we sang Happy Birthday to him...Lucky dog. Mike and Patrick went to the U of M football game last Saturday and the guy behind them took their picture. It was on Facebook but thought I would include it here also as it is a great picture of both Nolan boys.
I work the next two days and then we will go to the cabin for the weekend. The sauna is done so look for pictures and a report on our first sauna experience!

Bud turned 57 today, a day after Riggs. They both look pretty good for their age. I don't know how old 57 is in dog years.