Today we launched Mikes new boat on the Manistee River. Mike, Dennis and his brother in law Sorel are off on a 3 hour trip down the river. Hard to know which name to call the new boat but it did not sink and the day looks like a great one to fish. Mike is very excited to take two people fishing!! We can all look forward to some fun trips nest summer. We are at the cabin for the weekend again. The weather last week was fairly nice but Friday brought rain, wind and cold temps. Shades of what is to come. Today is beautiful and sunny but still cold. Riggs and I are going for a walk and he has his hunter orange vest on as bow season opens today...he looks too much like a little deer. We had the Smiths to dinner last night and played some great Euchre. We will be putting the Big Bad Boy into storage this next week so our wanderings are over for this year. I have the final mileage figures for the trip...9500 miles...June thru Sept 15th. Unreal!!
Kathy, Mike and Riggs
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