We fished on the Rio Grande again but up near the Rio Grande resivior...lots of state forest land and campgrounds. Once again it was sunny in the morning but by the time we got on the river it started raining as soon as we geared up. Still beautiful water, lots of caddis flies but no fish coming up. We had lots of rain last night and the water was a little off color...those fish had probally gobbled up all sorts of other food with the rain and could care less for the fllies hatching.
Boo Hiss!!
The picture is of Mike fishing near some cabins that people lease the land from the state. Very cute.
We bought ourselves some great straw western fishing hats at a shop in Creed. We are now ready for the sunshine of Las Vagas and Montana....we hope to leave the rain here in Colorado. The picture is taken on Davids deck with his mountian view. We will be fishing on the Rio Grande below Davids house tomorrow...weather is suposed to be better so we are hopeful.
Lesson for the day: Plan for sun!!
Great picture. You two are really into hats lately. This is a side of you I didn't know. It looks like you are having a good time even if the fish don't bite.
So I see matching Hats....where are the matching sweatshirts?