Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Faces and beautiful places

 So we went to see the faces.  Mt Rushmore in the morning is a great time to go...not crowded and cool temps.  The walkway up to the presidents is flanked with the flags of the states.  So all of you in Michigan need to use your brain and figure out when Michigan became a state...Mike said 1939 ...I said 1937.. we were both wrong ... 1936!!  Fun to go to the  visitor center, see the movie and go to the museum.  Learn about the pine trees dead from from the pine beetle. We saw lots of those dead trees on the hills.
We stayed at the KOA campground we stayed in at the time of 911.  It is now a KOA on steroids  with pools, splash pad,playgrounds and a great place for kids. Had the pancake breakfast.   We then traveled the back way out and went to Deadwood to check out a cigar store Mike had heard about.  Little did we know it was the classic car show festival weekend!!.  Tons of people, beer,  concerts and nice people...not to mention all the classic cars.  A great little town that was fun.
                                                         1957 Chevy...beautiful car!!
 Mike and I then went on to Devils Tower in Wyoming.  A great place that has lots of rock climbers and you can see it for miles and miles and miles.
 Saturday night we made it to Bozeman and got to visit with Pam and Dennis..friends from Traverse City who were at the same campground and in Bozeman for a wedding and fishing.  They borrowed a little camper called a Scamp...that they call "little Debbie".  Fun to get together and compare notes.
Just arrived in Twin Bridges and have had ice tea on the porch with Don and Marsha and caught up on all the news.  We will fish with Matt tomorrow and hope we have great pictures to share.
Michael and Kathy

Thursday, August 22, 2013


We made it to the Badlands of South Dakota today and enjoyed the driving tour of such beautiful country.  The oldest  layers of the tall mounds go back 78 million years...makes you feel very small in the scheme of time.  Each layer brings a new climate and type of land along with some ancient animals and fish.  We stayed last night in Sioux Falls South Dakota after a long long day of driving...about 500 miles.  But it got us into South Dakota which was the goal...We stayed the first night in Rhinelander Wis.  Not the best park we have ever stayed at and the weather was very hot and humid!!
 Mike and I posed with the use of my tripod for the camera...not a bad picture.  Riggs is doing great...he is a good traveler and has not given us any problems.
                                          Such great vistas and a picture does not do it justice.
                                                         Picture taken out the window..such great colors!
  The Big Bad Boy and the bad boys at the Badlands...ha ha.  We came upon a prairie dog community..very fun to watch and they scolded us for being so close.  Not letting Riggs out at that stop for sure!  We are staying at the KOA, on steroids, at Mr Rushmore tonight.  We stayed here in 2011..the night of September 10th and woke up on Sept 11th to learn of the twin towers in New York City.  It looks very different..a campground that is a destination for fun...especially if you are 10 years old.  Plan to join in on the pancake breakfast tomorrow...all you can eat for $2.50.  Not bad.  Weather is cool and nice up at this elevation.  We head to Sturgis and then Devils Tower tomorrow.  On to Bozeman on Saturday night..Kathy and Michael

Monday, August 19, 2013

On Our Way West!!!

Michael and I finally got the plaque for the memorial bench for Mark Nolan, Michael's brother.  We installed it this last weekend at the cabin and we are very happy with the results.  We have sat on the bench many times and find a peace of mind sitting there.  It looks out on a beautiful view of the Manistee River.  We miss Mark so much and feel good we can remember him at the cabin.
                                       Two views of the bench...from the back and from the dock.

 Finnley is having her Birthday this week...this is the quilt I made her..a retro soft book that I made into a quilt...thanks to the idea of my friend Della...thanks so much.  It turned out adorable.
 Our Little Library turned out fantastic.  Neighbors Tom and Brenda helped with the construction and painting.  I am about to put us on the little library map on the web site so needed a picture.  Thanks so much to Tom and Brenda!!  We leave tomorrow for Montana so will be sending some blogs about our travels.  Very excited and looking forward to the "RV life"  we love so much...not to mention the fishing!!
Kathy and Mike

Monday, August 12, 2013

Trip to Boston and a new Library

 So here he is...the newest Nolan already 3 months old.  Seamus is a big boy who is growing and thriving.  Timothy and Casey are wonderful parents who are enjoying every moment of new parenthood.
I traveled to Boston this last weekend and  met them for a 4 day get away.  We went to Cape Cod and traveled to Plymouth, Providence Town at the end of the cape and the National Seashore.  Friday was rainy but Thursday Saturday and Sunday were beautiful.  Lots of history to take in.
 Happy dad with cute cute cute little boy.  He looks just like Timothy when he was a baby...same chin and cheeks!!!
We spent part of Saturday, which was sunny and beautiful, at Sandy Neck beach.  A great beach in the curve of the cove.  Saw some seals and enjoyed the people watching. Seamus put his feet in the ocean for the first time and was not impressed.
We worked at getting him to smile but he was a bit camera shy...we did get some good ones.  He is adorable and  just starting to grab at things and notice more around his environment.  Lots of staring and taking it all in along with some laughs and coo's.
 I have put a Little Free Library in the corner of my front yard with the help of our neighbors, Tom and Brenda.  Tom built my adorable Irish cottage and Brenda did the painting.  There are several other Little Libraries in our town and I am so excited to add another.  The idea is that you bring a book and you then take a book.  There are adult and children's books and the Library is open all the time. There are over 10,000 world wide and my library is registered as# 7991.   To check out the map and the web site go to  I will be on the map as soon as I get my plaque to put on my Library and I submit the pictures.
We are gearing up to take another RV trip to Montana to do some fishing.  Leaving next week and will be gone for about a month...more details latere.  Kathy and Michael